Publications 2021

1399 publications

What now for Sweden and covid-19?
Paterlini M
BMJ 375 (-) n3081 [2021-12-22; online 2021-12-22]
Type: Other
The Exposome and Immune Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Morales JS, Valenzuela PL, Castillo-García A, ..., Carrera-Bastos P, Lucia A
Nutrients 14 (1) - [2021-12-22; online 2021-12-22]
Type: Review
Potential SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness among asymptomatic healthcare workers.
Pimenoff VN, Elfström M, Conneryd Lundgren K, ..., Melen E, Dillner J
PLoS One 16 (12) e0260453 [2021-12-17; online 2021-12-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Radua J, Fortea L, Pomarol-Clotet E, ..., Fullana MÀ, Solanes A
Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment - (-) - [2021-12-17; online 2021-12-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
[Insights from creating a covid-19 biobank in Sweden].
Ljunggren HG, Strålin K, Chen P, ..., Aleman S, Björkström N
Lakartidningen 118 (-) - [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Promoting a Syndemic Approach for Cardiometabolic Disease Management During COVID-19: The CAPISCO International Expert Panel.
Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Banerjee Y, ..., Rizzo M, CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO)
Front Cardiovasc Med 8 (-) 787761 [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Dapagliflozin in patients with COVID-19: mind the kidneys - Authors' reply.
Kosiborod MN, Esterline R, Oscarsson J, ..., Verma S, Berwanger O
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol - (-) - [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Type: Other
Safeguarding people living in vulnerable conditions in the COVID-19 era through universal health coverage and social protection.
Barron GC, Laryea-Adjei G, Vike-Freiberga V, ..., Karadag O, Lancet Commission on COVID-19: Task Force on Humanitarian Relief, Social Protection and Vulnerable Groups
Lancet Public Health - (-) - [2021-12-10; online 2021-12-10]
Category: Public Health Type: Review
Infectious complications and vaccines
Ljungman P
- 2021 (1) 587-591 [2021-12-10; online 2021-12-10]
Type: Other
Indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment: How deep and how long?
Vadiati M, Beynaghi A, Bhattacharya P, Bandala ER, Mozafari M
Sci Total Environ - (-) 152255 [2021-12-09; online 2021-12-09]
Category: Other Type: Journal article
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food production and animal health.
Rahimi P, Islam MS, Duarte PM, ..., Ashour HM, Rahman MT
Trends Food Sci Technol - (-) - [2021-12-06; online 2021-12-06]
Type: Review
Randomised clinical trials in critical care: past, present and future.
Granholm A, Alhazzani W, Derde LPG, ..., Perner A, Møller MH
Intensive Care Med - (-) - [2021-12-02; online 2021-12-02]
Type: Review
Lifestyle and mental health 1 year into COVID-19.
Barbieri PN, Giuntella O, Saccardo S, Sadoff S
Sci Rep 11 (1) 23349 [2021-12-02; online 2021-12-02]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Respiratory infection risk-based ventilation design method.
Kurnitski J, Kiil M, Wargocki P, ..., Olesen B, Morawska L
Build Environ 206 (-) 108387 [2021-12-00; online 2021-09-24]
Category: Other Type: Journal article
Unsuccessful and Successful Clinical Trials in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Addressing Physiology-Based Gaps.
Villar J, Ferrando C, Tusman G, ..., Rodríguez-Suárez P, Suárez-Sipmann F
Front Physiol 12 (-) 774025 [2021-11-30; online 2021-11-30]
Type: Review
Application of Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as an Innovative Theranostics in Microbial Diseases.
Keshavarz Alikhani H, Shokoohian B, Rezasoltani S, ..., Hassan M, Vosough M
Front Microbiol 12 (-) 785856 [2021-11-30; online 2021-11-30]
Type: Review
COVID-19 and myocardial infarction - Authors' reply.
Katsoularis I, Fonseca-Rodríguez O, Farrington P, Lindmark K, Connolly AF
Lancet 398 (10315) 1964 [2021-11-27; online 2021-11-29]
Category: Public Health Type: Other
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States: A Systematic Review
Yasmin F, Najeeb H, Moeed A, ..., Lin CY, Pakpour AH
Front Public Health 9 (-) - [2021-11-23; online 2021-11-23]
Type: Review
Obstructive sleep apnea is an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19: a population-based study.
Rögnvaldsson KG, Eyþórsson ES, Emilsson ÖI, ..., Guðmundsson G, Steingrímsson V
Sleep - (-) - [2021-11-17; online 2021-11-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Impact of COVID-19 on global burn care.
Laura P, José A, Nikki A, ..., Shelley W, Mark F
Burns - (-) - [2021-11-17; online 2021-11-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Just how common is TTS after a second dose of the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine? - Authors' reply.
Bhuyan P, Medin J, da Silva HG, Yadavalli M, Nord M
Lancet 398 (10313) 1801-1802 [2021-11-13; online 2021-11-15]
Type: Other
General stress among young adults with asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ekström S, Mogensen I, Georgelis A, ..., Kull I, BAMSE COVID-19 Study Group
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract - (-) - [2021-11-13; online 2021-11-13]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Does COVID-19 cause pre-eclampsia?
Khalil A, Samara A, Chowdhury T, O'Brien P
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol - (-) - [2021-11-11; online 2021-11-11]
Type: Other
Avian influenza, a new threat to public health in Europe?
Adlhoch C, Baldinelli F, Fusaro A, Terregino C
Clin Microbiol Infect - (-) - [2021-11-08; online 2021-11-08]
Type: Other
Heart failure in type 2 diabetes: current perspectives on screening, diagnosis and management.
Ceriello A, Catrinoiu D, Chandramouli C, ..., Standl E, D&CVD EASD Study Group
Cardiovasc Diabetol 20 (1) 218 [2021-11-06; online 2021-11-06]
Type: Review
Decrease in community antibiotic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic, EU/EEA, 2020.
Högberg LD, Vlahović-Palčevski V, Pereira C, ..., ESAC-Net study group , ESAC-Net study group participants
Euro Surveill 26 (46) - [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-20]
Category: Biochemistry Category: Health Type: Journal article
Beyond building back better: imagining a future for human and planetary health.
de León EA, Shriwise A, Tomson G, ..., Menne B, Dooris M
Lancet Planet Health 5 (11) e827-e839 [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-15]
Type: Review
Allergen Immunotherapy management during vaccinations: An international survey.
Masieri S, Bachert C, Ojeda P, ..., Giorgio C, Study Group on AIT & Vaccinations
World Allergy Organ J 14 (11) 100601 [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-08]
Category: Health Category: Vaccines Type: Journal article
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on autoimmune diagnostics in Europe: A lesson to be learned.
Nagy E, Infantino M, Bizzaro N, ..., Damoiseaux J, European Autoimmunity Standardisation Initiative
Autoimmun Rev - (-) 102985 [2021-10-27; online 2021-10-27]
Type: Review
Potential therapeutic effect of oxygen-ozone in controlling of COVID-19 disease.
Yousefi B, Banihashemian SZ, Feyzabadi ZK, ..., Emadi A, Eslami M
Med Gas Res 12 (2) 33-40 [2021-10-23; online 2021-10-23]
Type: Review
Geogenic and pathogenic contamination: Issues and innovation in the post-COVID-Anthropocene.
Kumar M, Vithanage M, An AK, Weber KA, Bhattacharya P
J Hazard Mater 429 (-) 127501 [2021-10-14; online 2021-10-14]
Type: Other
A Longitudinal Study of Gambling Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden.
Månsson V, Wall H, Berman AH, Jayaram-Lindström N, Rosendahl I
Front Psychol 12 (-) 708037 [2021-10-14; online 2021-10-14]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Patients With COVID-19.
Petersen SE, Friedrich MG, Leiner T, ..., Schulz-Menger J, Bluemke DA
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging - (-) - [2021-10-07; online 2021-10-07]
Type: Review
Association Between Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors and the Risk of Hospitalization or Death Among Patients With Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease and COVID-19.
Izadi Z, Brenner EJ, Mahil SK, ..., Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 Infection (PsoProtect); the Secure Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SECURE-IBD); and the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Allianc , Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 Infection (PsoProtect); the Secure Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SECURE-IBD); and the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance (GRA)
JAMA Netw Open 4 (10) e2129639 [2021-10-01; online 2021-10-01]
Category: Biochemistry Category: Health Type: Journal article
Spotlight influenza: The 2019/20 influenza season and the impact of COVID-19 on influenza surveillance in the WHO European Region.
Adlhoch C, Sneiderman M, Martinuka O, ..., European Influenza Surveillance Network , Members of the European Influenza Surveillance Network
Euro Surveill 26 (40) - [2021-10-00; online 2021-10-09]
Category: Health Research Area: Data-driven research – models and AI Type: Journal article
Autoimmunity roots of the thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination.
Elrashdy F, Tambuwala MM, Hassan SS, ..., Redwan EM, Uversky VN
Autoimmun Rev - (-) 102941 [2021-09-08; online 2021-09-08]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Repeated Covid-19 Infection Exists: A Case Series From Pakistan.
Haq ZU, Fazid S, Yousafzai YM, ..., Ullah N, Sherin A
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 33 (3) 519-522 [2021-09-07; online 2021-09-07]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Thirty-Day Outcomes of Children and Adolescents With COVID-19: An International Experience.
Duarte-Salles T, Vizcaya D, Pistillo A, ..., Kostka K, Prieto-Alhambra D
Pediatrics 148 (3) e2020042929 [2021-09-00; online 2021-05-28]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Myriad Other Applications.
Moore KJM, Cahill J, Aidelberg G, ..., Mason CE, gLAMP Consortium
J Biomol Tech 32 (3) 228-275 [2021-09-00; online 2022-02-10]
Type: Review
Editorial: The Different Faces of Sickness.
Rademacher L, Lasselin J, Karshikoff B, ..., Engler H, Lange T
Front Psychiatry 12 (-) 735337 [2021-08-31; online 2021-08-31]
Type: Other
Testing indicators to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beauté J, Adlhoch C, Bundle N, Melidou A, Spiteri G
Lancet Infect Dis - (-) - [2021-08-24; online 2021-08-24]
Type: Other
A Global Survey of Emergency Department Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Mahajan P, Shu-Ling C, Gutierrez C, ..., Kuppermann N, EKelund U
West J Emerg Med 22 (5) 1037-1044 [2021-08-21; online 2021-08-21]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Southeast Asia is an emerging hotspot for COVID-19.
Chookajorn T, Kochakarn T, Wilasang C, Kotanan N, Modchang C
Nat Med - (-) - [2021-08-16; online 2021-08-16]
Type: Other
Towards a European strategy to address the COVID-19 pandemic
Priesemann V, Balling R, Bauer S, ..., Van Gucht S, Willeit P
Lancet - (-) - [2021-08-00; online 2021-08-00]
Type: Other
Rapid Exclusion of COVID Infection With the Artificial Intelligence Electrocardiogram.
Attia ZI, Kapa S, Dugan J, ..., Friedman PA, Discover Consortium (Digital and Noninvasive Screening for COVID-19 with AI ECG Repository)
Mayo Clin Proc 96 (8) 2081-2094 [2021-08-00; online 2021-08-07]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Fostering healthy aging: The interdependency of infections, immunity and frailty.
Vetrano DL, Triolo F, Maggi S, ..., Ferrucci L, Fratiglioni L
Ageing Res Rev 69 (-) 101351 [2021-08-00; online 2021-05-07]
Type: Review
Comorbidity status of deceased COVID-19 in-patients in Italy.
Vetrano DL, Tazzeo C, Palmieri L, ..., Onder G, Italian National Institute of Health Covid-Mortality Group
Aging Clin Exp Res 33 (8) 2361-2365 [2021-08-00; online 2021-06-24]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
A look into the future of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: an expert consultation.
Iftekhar EN, Priesemann V, Balling R, ..., Van Gucht S, Willeit P
Lancet Reg Health Eur - (-) 100185 [2021-07-30; online 2021-07-30]
Type: Review
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Extrapolation for COVID Diagnosis and Vaccine Development.
Malik YS, Kumar P, Ansari MI, ..., Rahimi P, Dhama K
Front. Mol. Biosci. 8 (-) 607886 [2021-07-28; online 2021-07-28]
Type: Review
COVID-19: counting migrants in.
Hargreaves S, Hayward SE, Noori T, McKee M, Kumar B
Lancet 398 (10296) 211-212 [2021-07-17; online 2021-07-19]
Type: Other
COVID-19: the turning point for gender equality.
Fisseha S, Sen G, Ghebreyesus TA, ..., Remme M, Allotey P
Lancet - (-) - [2021-07-16; online 2021-07-16]
Category: Social Science & Humanities Type: Journal article
Association Between Administration of IL-6 Antagonists and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Meta-analysis.
WHO Rapid Evidence Appraisal for COVID-19 Therapies (REACT) Working Group , Shankar-Hari M, Vale CL, ..., Marshall JC, Sterne JAC
JAMA - (-) - [2021-07-06; online 2021-07-06]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project, Europe, December 2020 to May 2021.
Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Sandonis Martín V, ..., I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team , I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team (in addition to authors above)
Euro Surveill 26 (29) - [2021-07-00; online 2021-07-24]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
The Swedish public health response to COVID-19.
Tegnell A
APMIS 129 (7) 320-323 [2021-07-00; online 2021-02-23]
Type: Other
Sustained prothrombotic changes in convalescent patients with COVID-19.
von Meijenfeldt FA, Thålin C, Lisman T
Lancet Haematol 8 (7) e475 [2021-07-00; online 2021-06-26]
Type: Other
Resetting the agenda for antibiotic resistance through a health systems perspective.
Cars O, Chandy SJ, Mpundu M, ..., Zorzet A, So AD
Lancet Glob Health 9 (7) e1022-e1027 [2021-07-00; online 2021-06-19]
Type: Review
Lessons from COVID.
Kitson A, Huisman-de Waal G, Muntlin A
J Adv Nurs 77 (7) e7-e9 [2021-07-00; online 2021-03-29]
Type: Other
Editor's Choice - The Impact of Covid-19 on Vascular Procedures in Sweden 2020.
Björses K, Blomgren L, Holsti M, ..., Smidfelt K, Mani K
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 62 (1) 136-137 [2021-07-00; online 2021-05-05]
Type: Other
A call for standardised age-disaggregated health data.
Diaz T, Strong KL, Cao B, ..., Vaz LME, Banerjee A
Lancet Healthy Longev 2 (7) e436-e443 [2021-07-00; online 2021-07-10]
Type: Other
Civic Duty: A Booster for Resilience?
Grimm PY, Saulnier DD
Int J Public Health 66 (-) 1604064 [2021-06-30; online 2021-06-30]
Type: Other
Nuclear factor-kappa B and its role in inflammatory lung disease.
Alharbi KS, Fuloria NK, Fuloria S, ..., Dua K, Gupta G
Chem Biol Interact - (-) 109568 [2021-06-25; online 2021-06-25]
Type: Review
Stable IgG-antibody levels in patients with mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
Åkerlund T, Zakikhany K, Löfström C, ..., Wollberg AR, Björndal ÅS
- - (-) - [2021-06-18; online 2021-06-18]
Category: Biochemistry Category: Health Type: Preprint
Sphingolipids as Modulators of SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Törnquist K, Asghar MY, Srinivasan V, Korhonen L, Lindholm D
Front Cell Dev Biol 9 (-) 689854 [2021-06-17; online 2021-06-17]
Type: Review
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19 during first and second waves.
Broman LM, Eksborg S, Coco VL, ..., EuroECMO COVID-19 Working Group , Euro-ELSO Steering Committee
Lancet Respir Med - (-) - [2021-06-16; online 2021-06-16]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Point of care detection of COVID-19: Advancement in biosensing and diagnostic methods.
Suleman S, Shukla SK, Malhotra N, ..., Nee Tan Y, Aminabhavi TM
Chem Eng J 414 (-) 128759 [2021-06-15; online 2021-01-31]
Type: Other
A time-resolved proteomic and prognostic map of COVID-19.
Demichev V, Tober-Lau P, Lemke O, ..., Ralser M, Kurth F
Cell Syst - (-) - [2021-06-14; online 2021-06-14]
Category: Biochemistry Type: Journal article
Open science saves lives: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Besançon L, Peiffer-Smadja N, Segalas C, ..., Deforet M, Leyrat C
BMC Med Res Methodol 21 (1) 117 [2021-06-05; online 2021-06-05]
Category: Other Type: Journal article
Plasma ACE2 predicts outcome of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients.
Kragstrup TW, Singh HS, Grundberg I, ..., Qvist P, Bibby BM
PLoS One 16 (6) e0252799 [2021-06-04; online 2021-06-04]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on vascular registries and clinical trials.
Aziz F, Behrendt CA, Sullivan K, ..., Jorgensen JE, Lemmon GW
Semin Vasc Surg 34 (2) 28-36 [2021-06-00; online 2021-05-21]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
T cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
Niessl J, Sekine T, Buggert M
Semin Immunol 55 (-) 101505 [2021-06-00; online 2021-10-21]
Type: Review
Orthodontic retention: what's on the horizon?
Littlewood SJ, Dalci O, Dolce C, Holliday LS, Naraghi S
Br Dent J 230 (11) 760-764 [2021-06-00; online 2021-06-11]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
A collection of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) detection assays, issues, and challenges.
Rezvani Ghomi E, Khosravi F, Mohseni-M A, ..., Hedenqvist MS, Ramakrishna S
Heliyon 7 (6) e07247 [2021-06-00; online 2021-06-06]
Type: Review
Political stigma of communicable diseases in complex emergencies.
Bellizzi S, Bassat Q, Pichierri G, ..., Murgia P, Ali Maher O
J Infect Dev Ctries 15 (5) 747-748 [2021-05-31; online 2021-05-31]
Type: Other
The healthier healthcare management models for COVID-19.
Mishra A, Basumallick S, Lu A, ..., Shukla Y, Tiwari A
J Infect Public Health 14 (7) 927-937 [2021-05-29; online 2021-05-29]
Type: Review
Dysregulation of COVID-19 related gene expression in the COPD lung.
Watson A, Öberg L, Angermann B, ..., Wilkinson T, MICA II Studygroup
Respir Res 22 (1) 164 [2021-05-29; online 2021-05-29]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Impact of lockdown and school closure on children's health and well-being during the first wave of COVID-19: a narrative review.
Rajmil L, Hjern A, Boran P, ..., Raman S, International Society for Social Pediatrics & Child Health (ISSOP) and International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH) COVID-19 Working Group
BMJ Paediatr Open 5 (1) e001043 [2021-05-25; online 2021-05-25]
Category: Health Category: Social Science & Humanities Type: Journal article
Expanding Utilization of Home Dialysis: An Action Agenda From the First International Home Dialysis Roundtable.
Mendu ML, Divino-Filho JC, Vanholder R, ..., Seger M, International Home Dialysis Roundtable Steering Committee
Kidney Med 3 (4) 635-643 [2021-05-25; online 2021-05-25]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Multiple sclerosis and COVID-19: The Swedish experience.
Landtblom AM, Berntsson SG, Boström I, Iacobaeus E
Acta Neurol Scand - (-) - [2021-05-24; online 2021-05-24]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases in the time of COVID-19: EBMT guidelines and recommendations.
Greco R, Alexander T, Burman J, ..., Snowden JA, European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) Autoimmune Diseases Working Party (ADWP), Infectious Diseases Working Party (IDWP), Pediatric Working Party (PWP), Joint Accreditation Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) and EBMT (JACIE), EBMT Nurses Group and Patient Advocacy Committee
Bone Marrow Transplant - (-) - [2021-05-24; online 2021-05-24]
Type: Other
Interruption of cancer screening services due to COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from previous disasters.
Puricelli Perin DM, Christensen T, Burón A, ..., Broeders MJM, International Cancer Screening Network ICSN
Prev Med Rep - (-) 101399 [2021-05-17; online 2021-05-17]
Type: Review
Biomimetics provides lessons from nature for contemporary ways to improve human health.
Stenvinkel P, Avesani CM, Gordon LJ, Schalling M, Shiels PG
J Clin Transl Sci 5 (1) e128 [2021-05-17; online 2021-05-17]
Type: Review
Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen diagnostic tests for saliva samples
Hagbom M, Carmona-Vicente N, Sharma S, ..., Sjöwall J, Nordgren J
medRxiv - (-) - [2021-05-16; online 2021-05-16]
Category: Serology Type: Preprint
Disease surveillance for the COVID-19 era: time for bold changes.
Morgan OW, Aguilera X, Ammon A, ..., Wieler LH, Dowell SF
Lancet - (-) - [2021-05-14; online 2021-05-14]
Type: Other
Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and Various Professions.
Moossavi S, Fehr K, Maleki H, ..., Keshavarz-Fathi M, Rezaei N
Adv Exp Med Biol 1318 (-) 575-604 [2021-05-12; online 2021-05-12]
Type: Other
Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition.
Darbeheshti F, Abolhassani H, Bashashati M, ..., Ochs HD, Rezaei N
Adv Exp Med Biol 1318 (-) 91-107 [2021-05-12; online 2021-05-12]
Type: Other
COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer.
Nowroozi A, Razi S, Sahu KK, ..., Keshavarz-Fathi M, Rezaei N
Adv Exp Med Biol 1318 (-) 315-331 [2021-05-12; online 2021-05-12]
Type: Other
Nutritional management of individuals with obesity and COVID-19: ESPEN expert statements and practical guidance.
Barazzoni R, Bischoff SC, Busetto L, ..., Boirie Y, endorsed by the ESPEN Council
Clin Nutr - (-) - [2021-05-11; online 2021-05-11]
Type: Other
Institutional and behaviour-change interventions to support COVID-19 public health measures: a review by the Lancet Commission Task Force on public health measures to suppress the pandemic.
Lee JK, Bullen C, Ben Amor Y, ..., Xue L, (The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force for Public Health Measures to Suppress the Pandemic)
Int Health - (-) - [2021-05-11; online 2021-05-11]
Type: Review
Evidence-Based Health Informatics as the Foundation for the COVID-19 Response: A Joint Call for Action.
Fernandez-Luque L, Kushniruk AW, Georgiou A, ..., Vimarlund V, Zhu X
Methods Inf Med - (-) - [2021-05-11; online 2021-05-11]
Type: Other
Reasons for physician-related variability in end-of-life decision-making in intensive care.
Nordenskjöld Syrous A, Malmgren J, Odenstedt Hergès H, ..., Ågård A, Block L
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand - (-) - [2021-05-08; online 2021-05-08]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Corrigendum to: The influence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on esophagogastric cancer services: an international survey of esophagogastric surgeons.
Kamarajah SK, Markar SR, Singh P, Griffiths EA, Oesophagogastric Anastomosis Audit Group
Dis Esophagus - (-) - [2021-05-08; online 2021-05-08]
Type: Other
Tumor Treating Fields for Glioblastoma Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Gatson NTN, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Drappatz J, ..., Wong ET, Glas M
Front Oncol 11 (-) 679702 [2021-05-07; online 2021-05-07]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
The COVID-19 puzzle: deciphering pathophysiology and phenotypes of a new disease entity.
Osuchowski MF, Winkler MS, Skirecki T, ..., Bermejo-Martín JF, Rubio I
Lancet Respir Med - (-) - [2021-05-06; online 2021-05-06]
Type: Review
Hairy cell leukemia and COVID-19 adaptation of treatment guidelines.
Grever M, Andritsos L, Banerji V, ..., Zinzani PL, Wörmann B
Leukemia - (-) - [2021-05-04; online 2021-05-04]
Type: Review
A urinary peptidomic profile predicts outcome in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients.
Wendt R, Thijs L, Kalbitz S, ..., Beige J, CRIT-COV-U investigators
EClinicalMedicine - (-) 100883 [2021-05-03; online 2021-05-03]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Recent advances on smart glycoconjugate vaccines in infections and cancer.
Anderluh M, Berti F, Bzducha-Wróbel A, ..., Richichi B, van Vliet SJ
FEBS J - (-) - [2021-05-02; online 2021-05-02]
Type: Review
Stigma, Trust, and procedural integrity: Covid-19 testing in Malawi.
Ferree KE, Harris AS, Dulani B, ..., Lust E, Metheney E
World Dev 141 (-) 105351 [2021-05-00; online 2021-01-12]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Residual antimicrobial agents in food originating from animals.
Hassan MM, El Zowalaty ME, Lundkvist Å, ..., Khan SA, Ashour HM
Trends Food Sci Technol 111 (-) 141-150 [2021-05-00; online 2021-02-03]
Category: Biochemistry Type: Journal article
The forgotten sub-regional COVID-19 response layer. The case of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.
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Association of Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Pregnancy With Neonatal Outcomes
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Category: Health Type: Journal article
Cyanobacteria-From the Oceans to the Potential Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications.
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Call for a pan-European COVID-19 response must be comprehensive - Authors' reply.
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Clinical outcomes and risk factors for COVID-19 among migrant populations in high-income countries: a systematic review.
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Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Phase of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A Review.
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COVID-19 and municipal solid waste (MSW) management: a review
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A Multi-Criteria Framework for Pandemic Response Measures.
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Impacts of COVID-19 on sick leave
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Real-world evidence and product development: Opportunities, challenges and risk mitigation.
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Actionable druggable genome-wide Mendelian randomization identifies repurposing opportunities for COVID-19.
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Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa
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The Other Side of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Neurological Sequelae in Patients.
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COVID-19 research priorities for non-pharmaceutical public health and social measures.
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COVID-19: A novel burden on the fragile health system of Angola.
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COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients: A national cohort study from Sweden.
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Vaccines and Allergic reactions: the past, the current COVID-19 pandemic, and future perspectives.
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Stealth Fluorescence Labeling for Live Microscopy Imaging of mRNA Delivery.
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Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly.
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Discovery and in-vitro evaluation of potent SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitors
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Timing of COVID-19 Vaccine in the setting of anti-CD20 Therapy: A Primer for Nephrologists.
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Maintenance of Acute Stroke Care Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown.
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Bridging animal and clinical research during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: A new-old challenge.
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Using the COVID-19 pandemic to reimagine global health teaching in high-income countries.
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OncoAlert Round Table Discussions: The Global COVID-19 Experience.
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Next-generation field courses: Integrating Open Science and online learning.
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Long COVID-19—it's not over until?
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From a crisis to an opportunity: Eight insights for doing science in the COVID-19 era and beyond.
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Cloth Masks May Prevent Transmission of COVID-19
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Report from the CVOT Summit 2020: new cardiovascular and renal outcomes.
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Pregnancy and risk of COVID-19
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Ultra-fast proteomics with Scanning SWATH.
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Challenges and opportunities to end tuberculosis in the COVID-19 era.
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Author Correction: COVID-19 vaccine guidance for patients with cancer participating in oncology clinical trials.
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Antibody kinetics and clinical course of COVID-19 a prospective observational study.
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Acute kidney injury and mortality risk in older adults with COVID-19.
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Alternative splicing of OAS1 alters the risk for severe COVID-19
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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on utilisation of healthcare services: a systematic review.
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COVID-19 vaccine guidance for patients with cancer participating in oncology clinical trials.
Desai A, Gainor JF, Hegde A, ..., Subbiah V, COVID19 and Cancer Clinical Trials Working Group
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The battle for COVID-19 vaccines highlights the need for a new global governance mechanism.
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Recommendations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with immune-mediated kidney diseases.
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Assessing relative COVID-19 mortality: a Swiss population-based study.
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Digital health and COVID-19: challenges of use and implementation in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Understanding COVID-19 through adverse outcome pathways - 2nd CIAO AOP Design Workshop.
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Burden of Disease Methods: A Guide to Calculate COVID-19 Disability-Adjusted Life Years.
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Has COVID-19 Improved Public Awareness on Oral Hygiene?
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Very little influenza in the WHO European Region during the 2020/21 season, weeks 40 2020 to 8 2021.
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Towards a sensitive and accurate interpretation of molecular testing for SARS-CoV-2: a rapid review of 264 studies.
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COVID-19: cross-border contact tracing in Germany, February to April 2020.
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Racial and ethnic differences in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and uptake
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COVID-19 Vaccines: Global Challenges and Prospects Forum Recommendations.
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Genetic predisposition to psychiatric disorders and risk of COVID-19
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COVID-19 drug practices risk antimicrobial resistance evolution.
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COVID-19: From health crises to food security anxiety and policy implications.
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Primary Immunodeficiencies: A Decade of Progress and a Promising Future.
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COVID-19: A methyl-group assault?
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Comprehensive Landscape of Heparin Therapy for COVID-19.
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Dehumanization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Potential Interplay between Nrf2, TRPA1, and TRPV1 in Nutrients for the Control of COVID-19.
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The development of preprints during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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COVID-19 vaccines and kidney disease.
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Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment.
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Risk of Severe Covid-19 in Patients with Celiac Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study
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Presymptomatic viral shedding and infective ability of SARS-CoV-2; a case report.
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Persistence of IgG response to SARS-CoV-2.
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Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Prelockdown and Postlockdown in Italy.
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Online health survey research during COVID-19
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Lingonberry polyphenols: Potential SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors as nutraceutical tools?
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Leveraging epidemiological principles to evaluate Sweden's COVID-19 response.
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Just allocation of COVID-19 vaccines.
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COVID-19: investing in country capacity to bridge science, policy and action.
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Resilience and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Epidemiological modeling in StochSS Live!
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Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Unrecognized risks and challenges of water as a major focus of COVID-19 spread.
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[Integrated Surveillance in Italy: outputs and related activities].
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Rituximab for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: a review.
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Competing Health Risks Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic and Response: A Scoping Review
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Covid-19 FAQ's in Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology - AEPC position paper.
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Recovery scenario and immunity in COVID-19 disease: A new strategy to predict the potential of reinfection.
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The Swedish COVID-19 intensive care cohort: Risk of ICU admission and ICU mortality.
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The ABCs of Covid-19 prevention in Malawi: Authority, benefits, and costs of compliance.
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Priority setting during the COVID-19 pandemic: going beyond vaccines
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How two concurrent pandemics put a spoke in the wheel of intensive pig production.
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Cancer and Risk of COVID-19 Through a General Community Survey.
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Calling for pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections
Priesemann V, Brinkmann MM, Ciesek S, ..., Staines A, Szczurek E
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