Category: Public Health

Primary: Shown in the list of current labels.

Year 2024

Year 2023

Prolonged gastrointestinal manifestations after recovery from COVID-19.
Elmunzer BJ, Palsson OS, Forbes N, ..., Rome Foundation Research Institute , North American Alliance for the Study of Digestive Manifestations of COVID-19
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol - (-) - [2023-11-21; online 2023-11-21]
Category: Post-COVID Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Omicron-dominant circulation: I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021 to 2022.
Rose AM, Nicolay N, Sandonis Martín V, ..., VEBIS hospital study team , Members of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS hospital study teams (in addition to authors above)
Euro Surveill 28 (47) - [2023-11-00; online 2023-11-24]
Category: Health Category: Public Health Category: Vaccines Type: Journal article
Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Alpha- and Delta-dominant circulation: I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021.
Rose AM, Nicolay N, Sandonis Martín V, ..., VEBIS hospital study team , Members of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS hospital study teams (in addition to the named authors)
Euro Surveill 28 (47) - [2023-11-00; online 2023-11-24]
Category: Public Health Category: Vaccines Type: Journal article
Rebound in community antibiotic consumption after the observed decrease during the COVID-19 pandemic, EU/EEA, 2022.
Ventura-Gabarró C, Leung VH, Vlahović-Palčevski V, ..., ESAC-Net study group , ESAC-Net study group participants
Euro Surveill 28 (46) - [2023-11-00; online 2023-11-17]
Category: Other Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
A comparison of COVID-19 incidence rates across six European countries in 2021.
Padget M, Adam P, Dorfmuller M, ..., COVID-19 Study group , COVID-19 Study Group members
Euro Surveill 28 (40) - [2023-10-00; online 2023-10-05]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article

Year 2022

Changes in Maternal Substance Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Joyce KM, Cameron EE, Sulymka J, Protudjer JLP, Roos LE
J Stud Alcohol Drugs 83 (3) 352-357 [2022-05-00; online 2022-05-20]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Conditionality of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in European countries.
Heyerdahl LW, Vray M, Lana B, ..., Goossens H, Giles-Vernick T
Vaccine - (-) - [2022-02-01; online 2022-02-01]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article

Year 2021

Safeguarding people living in vulnerable conditions in the COVID-19 era through universal health coverage and social protection.
Barron GC, Laryea-Adjei G, Vike-Freiberga V, ..., Karadag O, Lancet Commission on COVID-19: Task Force on Humanitarian Relief, Social Protection and Vulnerable Groups
Lancet Public Health - (-) - [2021-12-10; online 2021-12-10]
Category: Public Health Type: Review
Lifestyle and mental health 1 year into COVID-19.
Barbieri PN, Giuntella O, Saccardo S, Sadoff S
Sci Rep 11 (1) 23349 [2021-12-02; online 2021-12-02]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
COVID-19 and myocardial infarction - Authors' reply.
Katsoularis I, Fonseca-Rodríguez O, Farrington P, Lindmark K, Connolly AF
Lancet 398 (10315) 1964 [2021-11-27; online 2021-11-29]
Category: Public Health Type: Other
A Longitudinal Study of Gambling Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden.
Månsson V, Wall H, Berman AH, Jayaram-Lindström N, Rosendahl I
Front Psychol 12 (-) 708037 [2021-10-14; online 2021-10-14]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
A Global Survey of Emergency Department Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Mahajan P, Shu-Ling C, Gutierrez C, ..., Kuppermann N, EKelund U
West J Emerg Med 22 (5) 1037-1044 [2021-08-21; online 2021-08-21]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Comorbidity status of deceased COVID-19 in-patients in Italy.
Vetrano DL, Tazzeo C, Palmieri L, ..., Onder G, Italian National Institute of Health Covid-Mortality Group
Aging Clin Exp Res 33 (8) 2361-2365 [2021-08-00; online 2021-06-24]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19 during first and second waves.
Broman LM, Eksborg S, Coco VL, ..., EuroECMO COVID-19 Working Group , Euro-ELSO Steering Committee
Lancet Respir Med - (-) - [2021-06-16; online 2021-06-16]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Stigma, Trust, and procedural integrity: Covid-19 testing in Malawi.
Ferree KE, Harris AS, Dulani B, ..., Lust E, Metheney E
World Dev 141 (-) 105351 [2021-05-00; online 2021-01-12]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Clinical outcomes and risk factors for COVID-19 among migrant populations in high-income countries: a systematic review.
Hayward SE, Deal A, Cheng C, ..., Hargreaves S, ESCMID Study Group for Infections in Travellers and Migrants (ESGITM)
J Migr Health - (-) 100041 [2021-04-22; online 2021-04-22]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Impacts of COVID-19 on sick leave
Skyrud K, Telle K, Hernæs K, Magnusson K
medRxiv - (-) - [2021-04-15; online 2021-04-15]
Category: Public Health Type: Preprint
Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa
Sevidzem Wirsiy F, Nkfusai NC, Ebot Ako-Arrey D, ..., Titu Manjong F, Nambile Cumber S
Int J MCH AIDS 10 (1) 134-138 [2021-04-08; online 2021-04-08]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Burden of Disease Methods: A Guide to Calculate COVID-19 Disability-Adjusted Life Years.
Wyper GMA, Assunção RMA, Colzani E, ..., Speybroeck N, Devleesschauwer B
Int J Public Health 66 (-) 619011 [2021-03-05; online 2021-03-05]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Very little influenza in the WHO European Region during the 2020/21 season, weeks 40 2020 to 8 2021.
Adlhoch C, Mook P, Lamb F, ..., Pebody R, European Influenza Surveillance Network
Euro Surveill 26 (11) - [2021-03-00; online 2021-03-20]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
COVID-19: cross-border contact tracing in Germany, February to April 2020.
Markus I, Steffen G, Lachmann R, ..., Rexroth U, An der Heiden M
Euro Surveill 26 (10) - [2021-03-00; online 2021-03-13]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Racial and ethnic differences in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and uptake
Nguyen LH, Joshi AD, Drew DA, ..., Spector TD, Chan AT
medRxiv - (-) - [2021-02-28; online 2021-02-28]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
COVID-19: From health crises to food security anxiety and policy implications.
Chiwona-Karltun L, Amuakwa-Mensah F, Wamala-Larsson C, ..., Stone W, Bizoza AR
Ambio - (-) - [2021-02-19; online 2021-02-19]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Dehumanization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Markowitz DM, Shoots-Reinhard B, Peters E, ..., Goodwin R, Bjälkebring P
Front Psychol 12 (-) - [2021-02-11; online 2021-02-11]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Risk of Severe Covid-19 in Patients with Celiac Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Lebwohl B, Larsson E, Söderling J, ..., Green PH, Ludvigsson JF
CLEP Volume 13 (-) 121-130 [2021-02-00; online 2021-02-00]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Prelockdown and Postlockdown in Italy.
Bellino S, Rota MC, Riccardo F, ..., Pezzotti P, COVID-19 Working Group
Pediatrics 147 (2) - [2021-02-00; online 2020-11-05]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Resilience and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Verdolini N, Amoretti S, Montejo L, ..., Torrent C, Solé B
J Affect Disord 283 (-) 156-164 [2021-01-29; online 2021-01-29]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Campos-Mercade P, Meier AN, Schneider FH, Wengström E
J Public Econ 195 (-) 104367 [2021-01-28; online 2021-01-28]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
[Integrated Surveillance in Italy: outputs and related activities].
Del Manso M, Andrianou X, Urdiales AM, ..., Bella A, Gruppo Referenti regionali della Sorveglianza Integrata COVID-19
Epidemiol Prev 44 (5-6 Suppl 2) 70-80 [2021-01-09; online 2021-01-09]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article

Year 2020

Sex and age differences in COVID-19 mortality in Europe
Ahrenfeldt LJ, Otavova M, Christensen K, Lindahl-Jacobsen R
Wien Klin Wochenschr - (-) - [2020-12-22; online 2020-12-22]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency.
Delavari S, Abolhassani H, Abolnezhadian F, ..., Yazdani R, Aghamohamamdi A
J Clin Immunol - (-) - [2020-12-01; online 2020-12-01]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Mortality in Norway and Sweden before and after the Covid-19 outbreak: a cohort study
Juul FE, Jodal HC, Barua I, ..., Kalager M, Emilsson L
- - (-) - [2020-11-13; online 2020-11-13]
Category: Public Health Type: Preprint
[Covid-19 - deaths and analysis].
Modig K, Ahlbom A, Matthews A
Lakartidningen 117 (-) - [2020-04-30; online 2020-04-30]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article

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